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There is a time for every purpose. The event might be challenging, but God, who is involved in the Christian's life and this challenge, calls it "beautiful.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
12 minutes
Mercy is not justice, but neither is it injustice, because injustice would violate righteousness, and God always acts according to His holy character, which is total righteousness. We must learn to be cautious about accusative thoughts that may arise within us. 
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
14 minutes
The person who lives a hypocritical life will someday discover that he has deceived himself worse than he has deceived others. If we cheat others, our judgment from God may be to have others cheat us.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
15 minutes
Our lives are only a moment in time when compared to eternity. A helpful practice, then, is to embed in our thinking this foundational concept of just how short our lives are compared to eternity. This takes prayer and meditation to make this a living reality for each of us, helping to guard against being overwhelmed by the now. 
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
14 minutes
If you know you are not asleep or coasting, you may have allowed other pursuits to crowd out higher spiritual priorities. If so, you must wade into your overgrown garden and begin pulling out weeds by the fistful.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
12 minutes