
Sermons Archive

39 of 509 sermons matched.
Both men and women are recipients of God's grace and can be forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ. Both are equal in terms of being offered salvation and receiving eternal life and reward in God's Kingdom. 
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
15 minutes
1 of 39
Since No One an Condemn You before the Lord (Jesus), Neither would He (Jesus) Condemn You but Sin no more and continue to work at building His character and learn to live by faith. 
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
15 minutes
2 of 39
No matter the circumstances, a constant attitude of thankfulness and earnest thanksgiving is a gift from God to us. Gratitude spreads a healing balm among those we fellowship with and will help speed us to God's Kingdom.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
11 minutes
3 of 39
If we claim to love God and claim to be Christians to love the brethren. If we do not love the brethren, our claim to love God is a lie! This is another area in which many fell short, and it led to division, which continues to the present.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
13 minutes
4 of 39
Sin destroys innocence. With the support of the Holy Spirit, our conscience should be finely tuned. The more holy we become, the greater the contrast between us and the world will be, and the more likely the world will seek to persecute us. Thus, individuals who disobey God's law become like the "world," the kosmos of the New Testament.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
12 minutes
5 of 39
We all want to be in God's Kingdom. We need to open our doors to Christ as never before because what we must do is follow His lead, and we will find rest from all our burdens in His Kingdom.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
11 minutes
6 of 39
Lack of honuor manifests itself in self-willed and self-indulgent people who seem to simmer just beneath the point of rebellion. Their motto in life becomes, "Just do it." So, they condemn themselves to learning the lessons of life through hard experience, which may be a good teacher, but a painful one. 
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
13 minutes
7 of 39
Things are not always as they may appear to our narrow perspective. For It Is God, that gives spiritual gifts to outwork His will and the edification of the Body. we must learn to be cautious about accusative thoughts that may arise within us. 
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
13 minutes
8 of 39
Our Healing is from God and things He has provided-namely, the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the gift of His Holy Spirit-is to motivate man to repent-to change, to turn to God, to resist the desire to continue in sin-to work at building character and learn to live by faith.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
14 minutes
9 of 39
The God that we must trust is faithful and His character is unchangingly consistent. The unalterable structure of the universe consists of both justice and forgiveness.  For there will not be true public victory until there is first private victory. Spiritual sickness must be rooted out first. The foundation must be solid. 
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
12 minutes
10 of 39
A proud person cannot have faith in God, at least not very much. A small amount of faith can be there, but pride will be a hindrance because humility is essential to faith. 
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
13 minutes
11 of 39
We must acquire a faith that results in good deeds by growing in grace and knowledge showing love to the brethren, serving as opportunity permits. For there will not be true public victory until there is first private victory. Spiritual sickness must be rooted out first. The foundation must be solid. 
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
14 minutes
12 of 39
When iniquity reaches a certain point, in order to save us, He (God) will scatter us. We cannot escape His condemnation. we must discipline ourselves to obey Him and love our brethren - even when we do not feel like it. 
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
13 minutes
13 of 39
We must acquire a faith that results in good deeds by growing in grace and knowledge showing love to the brethren, serving as opportunity permits. For there will not be true public victory until there is first private victory. Spiritual sickness must be rooted out first. The foundation must be solid.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
14 minutes
14 of 39
We all want to be in God's Kingdom. Jesus has already cut the road, so all we must do is to follow His lead, and we will find rest from all our burdens in His Kingdom.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
10 minutes
15 of 39
Faith must be grounded within us and personally held. We cannot go through life on someone else's coattails.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
14 minutes
16 of 39
Anger hardly ever helps a situation. It divides. It almost invariably makes things worse. It forces the other person to defend himself, and then a vicious cycle is generated.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
11 minutes
17 of 39
True meekness is always measured by Christ's meekness. His humility, patience, and total submission of His own will to the will of the Father exemplifies meekness.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
15 minutes
18 of 39
Do not be afraid. The eye of the Lord is on all men/women but directed with special attention toward those who fear Him. Thus, it is good to reflect on this regarding Tribulation and Place of Safety.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
13 minutes
19 of 39
For It Is God that gives spiritual gifts for the outworking of His will and the edification of the Body—and He can bestow them on the unconverted if it suits Him!
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
15 minutes
20 of 39
As Joseph went forth from his prison to become a saviour to Egypt and the surrounding peoples, we will rise from our confinement and go forth with Jesus Christ to bring spiritual salvation and true prosperity to all of humankind.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
13 minutes
21 of 39
An institution is the lengthened shadow of one man who is in its leadership. Without God’s Spirit placed at our core, trying to express goodness, will be seen for a fraud. Parents need to take note of this.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
14 minutes
22 of 39
The more holy we become, the greater the contrast between us and the world—and the more likely the world will seek to persecute us. Thus, individuals who disobey God's law become like the "world," the kosmos of the New Testament.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
15 minutes
23 of 39
We must acquire a faith that results in good deeds by growing in grace and knowledge showing love to the brethren, serving as opportunity permits, and Deepening our relationship with God.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
14 minutes
24 of 39
We all want to be in God's Kingdom. A wall, lacking God, gives the impression of security but crumbles at the smallest enemy strike. We must be totally committed to restoring our neglected relationship with God, thus restoring God's presence as the wall.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
10 minutes
25 of 39
Christians only fully repent after some time. It is a lifelong process of making changes, and over time, we will produce the fruit of the Spirit more consistently than the works of the flesh.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
11 minutes
26 of 39
Man / Woman is not immortal, nor does he /she possess any "spark of God" unless God has given it to him /her through the Holy Spirit. A Christian's hope of life after death rests in the resurrection of the dead. If we are crucified with Christ, we shall live.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
15 minutes
27 of 39
Without discernment of what is good and right, we tend to pursue folly and real bitterness it eventually produces. Those who utterly understand what life all is about live a godly life, and they receive the joy that the undiscerning madly seek through foolish pleasure.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
13 minutes
28 of 39
To be sons and daughters of the Highest God, we must likewise practice saying to Him, "Not as I will, but as You will."
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
13 minutes
29 of 39
We must strive to overcome the fear of death. Christ, having been raised from the dead, has become the first fruit of those who have fallen asleep. So also, in Christ, all shall we be made alive
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
16 minutes
30 of 39
No matter what it is, we must refrain from being a Laodicean and firmly claim that He (Jesus) has been given freely to us.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
11 minutes
31 of 39
Satan is a destroyer, and his way is at best a bad mixture of good and evil. Those who are so adamantly committed to their idolatry, who are so spiritually sick from malnourishment, will fall and never rise again. We must fight the good fight of the faith and lay hold on the life eternal.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
13 minutes
32 of 39
A belief that is God-ordered is a conviction. It is not merely a matter of resolve or dedication, but a matter of believing with all our hearts that God requires it of us. If we hold our beliefs as God-ordered, we will withstand all the above tests.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
16 minutes
33 of 39
Reconciliation is not an easy subject and often not easy to do. It is not something we should do carelessly or automatically. We must really take the matter to heart to understand fully what we are doing.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
13 minutes
34 of 39
He (God) will fight our battles if we make a humble inquiry and faithful service. Our task will be to follow His lead and glorify Him for His wonderful interevent. Thus, come to Jesus, just as you are, and live.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
13 minutes
35 of 39
Bearing fruits worthy of repentance implies a process. Christians only fully repent after some time. It is a lifelong process of making changes, and over time, we will produce the fruit of the Spirit more consistently than the works of the flesh.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
11 minutes
36 of 39
We grieve that we cannot match the perfection of Jesus Christ. We always have miles to go, but Jesus also promises comfort at the end of that hard road.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
14 minutes
37 of 39
Satan's influence is worldwide, and the entire world lies under the sway of the wicked one. His ultimate object is to destroy God, but along the way, he also strives to eliminate any aspect of God's creation, most especially man/woman. We know we are of God; we must escape under his influence.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
12 minutes
38 of 39
The lie that Satan has always foisted on humankind—that we do not need to obey God’s law. God is observing and watching. He is there. He may seem far off, but He is not.
By Pastor Babatunde Onitiri
11 minutes
39 of 39