God has called us. He has opened our minds, and so when we turn to Him, He will remove the veil, taking away the blindness so that the relationship can be more intense, pure, and trusting. That is His promise: He will remove the blindness.
We cannot achieve our goal without Jesus Christ, our sovereign God, Creator, Savior, and High Priest, by whom we are saved because He is alive and oversees our lives. He supplies every need for salvation and sustains us along the way.
An office is not a place from which to exercise power but a position from which to exercise service. The authority is certainly there since God gives it. The office is given, not earned. If we trust Him (God), we must follow His instructions.
We must strive to overcome the fear of death. Christ, having been raised from the dead, has become the first fruit of those who have fallen asleep. So also, in Christ, all shall we be made alive.
We will need Christ to wash our feet to make us completely clean again. None of us can carry unforgiven sins and remain part of the body of Christ. It is so imperative that we seek His mercy and help to repent each day.