

Pastor Babatunde Onitiri

Pastor Babatunde Onitiri

Founder & Pastor

The Call

Pastor Babatunde Onitiri first heard the call as a 6 year old altar boy in the choir of his mum's church, The African Bethnel Church, a Methodist church. But he didn't take up the call until 20 years later after a major event occured in his life.

He has now been teaching and preaching from 1960 up until today. He has spread the word of the gospel throughout many countries including Russia, Georgia, Ukraine Germany, France, Switzerland, Netherland, UAE, Canada, Caribbean and Latin America, United Kingdom and the USA.

Relief Work and Knighthood

In 1992 He organised a relief mission to help over 200 school children and teachers after an earthquake in the city of Tblisi, Georgia. In recognition of his efforts, he was Knighted By Order of St. John of Jerusalem in 1992 with the blessings of Pope John Paul II.

In 2010 he assisted Rev Awan Chartapal in Brazil to oversee about 250 churches in the North Western part of Brazil. They had closed their doors to American missionaries, but through the combined efforts of Rev Awan, Pastor Babtunde and Jemina Charpatal they were able to instruct pastors in Christian leadership.

Onitiri Ministries

He is now looking to grow a church online.

In 2012 he was ordained as a non-denominational Christian Minister by Christian National Church in the USA. He began by simply offering weekly sunday sermons via email and today he is looking to grow his online congregation by launching this website

His Beliefs

He is now looking to grow a church online.

In 2012 he was ordained as a non-denominational Christian Minister by Christian National Church in the USA. He began by simply offering weekly sunday sermons via email and today he is looking to grow his online congregation by launching this website

His Invitation

Here is his invitation to you: Come to Jesus and Live!

You can join his congregation by clicking here.